Sacrament of Reconciliation

Confession times in the Bread of Life/ Pan de Vida Family of Parishes:

    • Wednesdays: 6:00 pm at St. Helen (605 Granville Pl, Riverside, OH 45431)
    • Thursdays: 6:00 pm at Immaculate Conception (2300 S. Smithville Rd, Dayton, OH 45420)
    • Saturdays: 4:00 pm at Holy Angels (1322 Brown St, Dayton, OH 45409)
    • Sundays: 9:15 am at St. Mary (310 Allen St, Dayton, OH 45410)

Contact the parish office at 937-253-9132 to make an appointment.  During the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent, this sacrament is offered in a Penance Service and at additional times.  Check the bulletin for exact times.

What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

“What happens in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is almost more than one could imagine,” according to a United States Conference of Catholic Bishops subcommittee statement in 2001. We need the Sacrament of Penance because of human weakness, which is the result of original sin. Christians break off their friendship with God by sinning. So the Lord instituted a special sacrament of penance for the pardon of sins committed after baptism. In the Sacrament of Penance, “the sinner who by grace of a merciful God embraces the way of penance comes back to the Father who ‘first loved us’ (1 Jn 4:19), to Christ who gave himself up for us, and to the Holy Spirit who has been poured out on us abundantly.
Modern society has lost a sense of sin. As Catholic followers of Christ, we must make an effort to recognize sin in our daily actions, words and omissions.  The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the “prodigal son” and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest.

Here is one of many guides to help examine your conscience in order to make a good and full confession.  But, it is also instructive to perform an abbreviated examination at the end of each day to help stay on track and grow in virtue.

  1. Have God and the pursuit of sanctity in Christ been the goal of my life? Have I denied my faith? Have I placed my trust in false teachings or substitutes for God? Did I despair of God’s mercy?
  2. Have I avoided the profane use of God’s name in my speech? Have I broken a solemn vow or promise?
  3. Have I honored every Sunday by avoiding unnecessary work, celebrating the Mass (also holydays)? Was I inattentive at, or unnecessarily late for Mass, or did I leave early? Have I neglected prayer for a long time?
  4. Have I shown Christlike respect to parents, spouse, and family members, legitimate authorities? Have I been attentive to the religious education and formation of my children?
  5. Have I cared for the bodily health and safety of myself and all others? Did I abuse drugs or alcohol? Have I supported in any way abortion, “mercy killing,” or suicide?
  6. Was I impatient, angry, envious, proud, jealous, revengeful, lazy? Have I forgiven others?
  7. Have I been just in my responsibilities to employer and employees? Have I discriminated against others because of race or other reasons?
  8. Have I been chaste in thought and word? Have I used sex only within marriage and while open to procreating life?  Did I deliberately look at impure TV, pictures, reading?
  9. Have I stolen anything from another, from my employer, from government? If so, am I ready to repay it? Did I fulfill my contracts? Did I rashly gamble, depriving my family of necessities?
  10. Have I spoken ill of any other person? Have I always told the truth? Have I kept secrets and confidences?
  11. Have I permitted sexual thoughts about someone to whom I am not married?
  12. Have I desired what belongs to other people? Have I wished ill on another?
  13. Have I been faithful to sacramental living (Holy Communion and Penance)?
  14. Have I helped make my parish community stronger and holier? Have I contributed to the support of the Church?
  15. Have I done penance by abstaining and fasting on obligatory days? Have I fasted before receiving communion?
  16. Have I been mindful of the poor? Do I accept God’s will for me?