Are you someone who has never been baptized?  Are you a non-Catholic, but a member ofBAPTISMAL FONT DOCTORED a family who has been coming to Mass for years?  Are you interested in entering the Catholic Church?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, now could be the moment for you to find out more about the RCIA.

In the Catholic tradition there is a wonderful process that is both informational and formational, for those people who would like to learn about the teachings of the Church and also receive the Sacraments to become Catholic.  It is called the RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

In the Gospels, Jesus says to His disciples, “Peace be with you.”  Perhaps you have been, or are currently searching for the peace of Christ.  Maybe now is the time to accept this invitation to talk to someone about how you can feel this peace more completely in your heart. 

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, we had an inquiry session this summer, to give people the  opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the process. If you have missed the session, you may still contact Will Marsh to ask questions.  Contact Will Marsh at or 937-252-9919.